We invite you to participate in the Fourth Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Arctic-Antarctic and North Pacific Mapping Meeting
About this event
Dates: 21st to 24th March 2022
This meeting continues the series of mapping meetings organized and hosted by the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO-Seabed 2030 regional centers that has started in 2018.
It is hoped that for this year’s Arctic-Antarctic and North Pacific Mapping Meeting we can have a hybrid meeting where there is an option to attend in person in Stockholm, Sweden. If necessary, we will switch to a completely virtual meeting.
The goals of the meeting are to:
- Review the progress made since the last Seabed 2030 Arctic-Antarctic and North Pacific Mapping Meeting in 2020. This includes the status of the IBCAO and IBCSO.
- Identify new bathymetric data sources
- Develop strategies to locate and unlock data sets for seabed 2030
- Develop strategies to coordinate and promote new mapping activities
For specific questions, please contact: arctic-pacific@seabed2030.org
Further information about Seabed 2030: https://seabed2030.org/
Free registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fourth-seabed-2030-arctic-antarctic-north-pacific-mapping-meeting-tickets-230768333297
About Seabed 2030’s Southern Ocean and Arctic and North Pacific Centers: