Conferences and Releases
IBCSO 2024 Annual Release
We are pleased to present the first update on IBCSO V2. You will find the downloads for the type identifier (TID), the regional identifier (RID), the bed and ice bathymetric grid below.DBMRIDTIDIBSCO 2024 Creation Team: Boris Dorschel, Natalie Cornish, Simon Dreutter, Miao Fan, Laura Höppner, Tea...

Seabed 2030 6th Pacific Ocean Mapping Meeting
Nov. 4-6 | 2024, Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi, Fiji The 6th Pacific Ocean Mapping Meeting will take place at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi, Fiji Click here to view the agenda Ocean Mapping Workshop: Access and use of open data and tools – 4th November 2024, in-person only. Ocean...

AGU 2024
Dec. 9-13 | 2024, Washington, D.C., Walter E. Washington Convention Center Science has always been about the new. The now. The next. It’s what propels us, feeding our questions and inspiring our work. The constant question and answer form a rhythm, a cadence, a story. Science is a story. A story...

HYDRO 2024 Hydrographic Conference and Exhibition
Nov. 5-7 | 2024, Rostock-Warnemünde, Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne On behalf of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) the German Hydrographic Society (DHyG) will host the international hydrographic conference and exhibition HYDRO 2024 from 5 – 7 November 2024. After 2010 and...

11th SCAR Open Science Conference
Aug. 17-24 | 2024, Pucón, Gran Hotel Enjoy The SCAR Open Science Conference (SCAR OSC) stands as the foremost global platform for Antarctic science. It unites hundreds of researchers and other stakeholders who showcase cutting-edge advancements, shaping the trajectory of polar knowledge. The...

The Fifth Arctic-Antarctic and North Pacific Mapping Meeting (AANPMM)
Nov. 27- 29 2023 | Bremen, Germany, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung The Fifth Arctic-Antarctic and North Pacific Mapping Meeting continues the series of mapping meetings organised and hosted by The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Regional Centers...

Map the Gap Symposium 2023
Nov. 7, 8 | 2023, MONACO, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Held on behalf of GEBCO, this event draws global experts in ocean technology, science and policy to discuss deep and coastal ocean exploration, offshore surveying technology, policy, diversity, equity & inclusion, the Nippon...

Instant 2023
Sept. 11, 14 | 2023, Trieste, Trieste Convention Centre The INStabilities & Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT) Scientific Research Programme provides a co-ordinating framework that will augment other important international research initiatives and consortia. INSTANT aims to quantify the...
5th Regional Mapping Community Hybrid meeting for the South and West Pacific
The 5th Regional Mapping Community hybrid meeting for the South and West Pacific will be hosted by the Peruvian Hydrographic Office between 12-14 July 2023 in Lima, Peru. The meeting objectives are: Review the progress to date with the Seabed 2030 project, Identify sources of bathymetric data,...

IHO Assembly 2023
May 2, 5 | 2023, Monaco, Grimaldi Forum The Assembly as the main organ of the Organization is formed by the representatives of the Member States. It meets every three years to provide general guidance on the functioning and work of the Organization, as well as taking decisions of technical and...