We are pleased to present the first update on IBCSO V2. You will find the downloads for the type identifier (TID), the regional identifier (RID), the bed and ice bathymetric grid below.

IBSCO 2024 Creation Team: Boris Dorschel, Natalie Cornish, Simon Dreutter, Miao Fan, Laura Höppner, Tea Isler, Yvonne Schulze Tenberge, Patrick Schwarzbach, Sacha Viquerat, Fynn Warnke. Many thanks to all contributors and supporters.

IBCSO is distributed under the CC-BY license. If you use IBCSO please use the following citation:
Dorschel, B., Hehemann, L., Viquerat, S., Warnke, F., Dreutter, S., Schulze Tenberge, Y., Accettella, D., An, L., Barrios, F., Bazhenova, E., Black, J., Bohoyo, F., Davey, C., De Santis, L., Escutia Dotti, C., Fremand, A. C., Fretwell, P. T., Gales, J. A., Gao, J., Gasperini, L., Greenbaum, J. S., Jencks, J. H., Hogan, K., Hong, J. K., Jakobsson, M., Jensen, L., Kool, J., Larin, S., Larter, R. D., Leitchenkov, G., Loubrieu, B., Mackay, K., Mayer, L., Millan, R., Morlighem, M., Navidad, F., Nitsche, F. O., Nogi, Y., Pertuisot, C., Post, A. L., Pritchard, H. D., Purser, A., Rebesco, M., Rignot, E., Roberts, J. L., Rovere, M., Ryzhov, I., Sauli, C., Schmitt, T., Silvano, A., Smith, J., Snaith, H., Tate, A. J., Tinto, K. J., Vandenbossche, P., Weatherall, P., Wintersteller, P., Yang, C., Zhang, T., and Arndt, J. E., 2022, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean Version 2, Scientific Data, 9, 275, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01366-7.